- Programming for Data Analysis, undergraduate course, University of Technology Sydney. Lecturer (2024).
Past courses
- Machine Learning: Mathematical Theory and Applications, graduate course, University of Technology Sydney. Lecturer (2023).
- Econometrics (Part II), undergraduate course, Stockholm University. Lecturer (2022-2023).
- Statistik och Dataanalys I (Statistical Data Analysis I, in Swedish), undergraduate course, Stockholm University. Lecturer (2023).
- Machine Learning, graduate course, Stockholm University. Lecturer (2022).
- Bayesian Statistical Learning, graduate course, AMSI Summer School 2022, Australia. Lecturer (2022).
- Bayesian Statistical Learning, graduate course, Central University of Finance and Economics. Lecturer (2021).
- Subsampling MCMC – An Approach to Speed Up MCMC via Data Subsampling, graduate course, AMSI Winter School 2021, Australia. Lecturer (2021).
- Introduction to Statistics, undergraduate course, University of Technology Sydney. Lecturer (2019-2021).
- Business and Economics Statistics, undergraduate course, University of New South Wales. Lecturer (2018, semesters 1 and 2).
- Econometric Theory and Methods, undergraduate course, University of New South Wales. Guest lecturer (2017-2018).
- Advanced Machine Learning, graduate course, Linköping University. Computer lab for the topic State-space models (2016).
- Bayesian Learning, graduate course, Linköping University. Lecturer (2016).
- Bayesian Statistics I, graduate course, Stockholm University. Lecturer (2015).
I have also been a Teaching assistant in a number of courses in statistics and probability, see here for details.